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Based on what you learned until now, we have a list of exercises to keep the knowledge fresh.

1. Node Console

  • Open the REPL and do the following operation 10 + 10.
  • Show a message in the screen to output Hello world!.
  • Show the path where you running node.
  • After five seconds, show a new message in the screen with the text 5 seconds later....

2. Simple program

Create a new file called my-program.js and:

  • Create a new server running in the port 8080 that returns random quotes stored locally.
  • Log a message when the server is up with the text Server is running in http://localhost:8080.

3. Add dependencies

Using the file from the item 2, install the following dependencies

  • Install chalk as dependency.
  • Install jshint as developer dependency.
  • Use chalk within console in the item 2 from exercise 2 to show a message in green color.
  • Add a new task with name linter to verify the code by running jshint **.js.
  • Add the start task to run my-program.js.