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What is Node.js ?

Node.js lets you easily build networked software (websites, applications “apps” using JavaScript).

Node.js is not “point-and-click” like WordPress, SquareSpace or Salesforce.com; you will need to write some “code”. But as I will demonstrate, that’s a lot easier than it sounds (if you’re new to writing code), gives you more power/flexibility and puts you in full control.

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Node.js (Core) API

The node.js (“core”) has many useful modules.

Bookmark: http://nodejs.org/api (you will come back to it)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: I am New to Programming Should I Start with Node.js?

If you have never written any code of any sort before, I recommend you starting with: http://gitbookio.gitbooks.io/javascript/ You need to have JavaScript basics to make the most of Node.js

Start creating JavaScript applications with Node.js

➡️ Start your Node.js training today, it’s free! 😄